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Vinderne af Pen Store Talents 2023

Vi vil gerne starte med at sige TAK, fordi du kastede dig ud i denne konkurrence og udfordrede din kreativitet. At vælge kun 10 vindere blandt alle konkurrencebidragene var en svær beslutning at træffe. Men endelig er vinderne kåret. Scroll ned og nyd 10 mesterværker!

Alle vindere vil blive kontaktet via e-mail fredag den 19. maj.

1. præmie går til…

Mina Vejbrink - Kiosk "HÄR"

During the jury's work, there was one entry that the entire jury resoundingly agreed was one of the winners. Mina Vejbrinks - you impressed the whole jury!

Mina has created an incredible work that evokes many emotions. The kiosk lights up with warmth and becomes an inviting meeting place in the cold city. What are they talking about? Do they know each other? Where is the kiosk located? The longer we look at the artwork, the more our curiosity is awakened. The kiosk is a place that many of us can relate to and Mina has used the eight pens in a way that really contributes to the artwork as a whole.

Mina, I hope you hear our applause! And congratulations on 33.000 kr in art supplies.

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